What is MERN Stack & How Can I Learn it?
The world of web app development has changed drastically over the years. Today developers use a set of technologies (Stack) to design and build high-end, scalable applications. The most commonly used tech stack that streamlines the deployment of full-stack web applications is MERN Stack. Due to its matchless performance, many top-tier companies like Dropbox, Netflix, Facebook, Tesla, Airbnb, Uber, LinkedIn, and others harness MERN Stack solutions. It has surged the demand for professionals upskilled in MERN Stack bootcamp. If you’re also an aspiring MERN Stack developer, let’s guide you. Overview of MERN Stack Technology MERN Stack is a robust combination of MongoDB, React.js, Express.js, and Node.js. It is an open-source solution used for the faster and easier development of full-stack applications. MERN is designed to make app development simple and swift. An insight into the key components of MERN Stack: MongoDB: Being a flexible, cross-platform NoSQL database, MongoDB uses JSON d...